
Timesheets allow employees to log their work hours efficiently using Weekly and Daily views. These views provide an intuitive interface to track contributions over a day or a week, ensuring accurate and structured time tracking.

Employees can view and manage their time logs in Home > My Time.

Logging Time in Weekly View

  1. Open Home from the left-side menu.
  2. Navigate to the My Time tab.
  3. Select Week in the view switcher (week is selected by default).
  4. Select the week for time entry using the left/right arrows. Click This week to return to the current week.
  5. By default, the timesheet will show:
    • Projects/tasks where time has already been logged during that week.
    • Projects/tasks available for logging, based on planning allocations for the week.
    • Projects/tasks available for logging, based on task assignments.
    • Tasks that you have starred for quick access.
  6. Select a Project and Task where you want to log time.
  7. If the project is missing:
    • Click + Add project and search for it in the dropdown.
    • Possible reasons why a project may not appear:
      • You do not have permission to view or log time to it.
      • The project is closed.
      • The project is already added to the timesheet.
  8. If the task is missing:
    • Click + Add task under the project and search for it in the dropdown.
    • If permitted by your organization, you can log time directly to a project by selecting the Project Root Task.
    • Possible reasons why a task may not appear:
      • The task is closed.
      • The task is already added to the timesheet.
  9. You can star a task to keep it permanently visible on your timesheet.
  10. Enter time directly into the appropriate weekly cells.
  11. (Optional) Click the top-right corner of a cell to add a comment.
  12. The time entry is automatically saved and reflected in metrics such as logged hours.

Logging Time in Daily View

  1. Open Home from the left-side menu.
  2. Navigate to the My Time tab.
  3. Select Day in the view switcher.
  4. Select the day for time entry using the left/right arrows. Click Today to return to the current day.
  5. By default, the timesheet will show:
    • Projects/tasks where time has already been logged that day.
    • Projects/tasks available for logging, based on planning allocations for the selected day.
    • Projects/tasks available for logging, based on task assignments.
    • Tasks that you have starred for quick access.
  6. Select a Project and Task where you want to log time.
  7. If the project is missing:
    • Click + Add project and search for it in the dropdown.
    • Possible reasons why a project may not appear:
      • You do not have permission to view or log time to it.
      • The project is closed.
      • The project is already added to the timesheet.
  8. If the task is missing:
    • Click + Add task under the project and search for it in the dropdown.
    • If permitted by your organization, you can log time directly to a project by selecting the Project Root Task (task name matches the project name).
    • Possible reasons why a task may not appear:
      • The task is closed.
      • The task is already added to the timesheet.
  9. You can star a task to keep it permanently visible on your timesheet.
  10. Click + Add time entry under the selected task.
  11. Enter the time in hours and add a comment if needed.
  12. The time entry is automatically saved and reflected in metrics such as logged hours.

Submitting a Timesheet for Review

  1. Open Home from the left-side menu.
  2. Navigate to the My Time tab.
  3. Select the desired week using the left/right arrows. Click This week to return to the current week.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. If you need to make changes after submitting (but before approval):
    • Click Unsubmit to unlock the timesheet for editing.

A complete review history is available at the bottom of the timesheet.

Editing or Deleting Time Entries

  1. Open a timesheet:
    • To edit your own timesheet: Go to Home > My Time.
    • To edit another employee’s timesheet: Go to People, select the employee, then open the Time tab.
  2. Select the appropriate week using the left/right arrows.
    • If editing a timesheet from the past, switch to List View, use the date range picker, and click the relevant timesheet.
  3. Modify the time entry:
    • Click the cell to update the time.
    • To delete an entry, simply clear the value.
    • To edit or delete a comment, click the top-right corner of the cell.
    • Changes are automatically saved and reflected in logged hours.

Locked Time Entries

Some time entries may be locked for editing. Hover over the entry to see why. Possible reasons include:

  • Timesheet is submitted: Click Unsubmit to unlock.
  • Timesheet is approved: Click Review > Reject (requires Edit Approved Timesheets permission).
  • Project or Task is closed: The project/task must be reopened.
  • Time period is locked: Unlock it in Settings > Time.
  • Time entry is generated by Time Off: Modify the Time Off record instead.
  • Time entry is imported from an integration: Edit the entry in the source system.

    Note: If you prefer logging time in Metric instead, remove the integration to unlock time entries.

This structured approach ensures that employees can log, review, and manage their time effectively while maintaining data accuracy and compliance with organizational rules.