Timesheet Approval Flow

The Timesheet Approval Flow streamlines the reporting process by allowing employees to submit their timesheets for review. Managers can then approve or reject these submissions, ensuring compliance with company policies and project requirements. Once a timesheet is approved, it becomes locked, preventing further edits and maintaining data integrity.

Assigning a Manager to Review Timesheets

Managers review timesheets based on their group access level. To assign a manager to review a specific group of employees, follow these steps:

1. Define an Access Level

A manager must have a group access level that includes the Review Group Timesheets permission. You can use an existing access level (e.g., “Group Manager”) or create a new one specifically for timesheet reviewers.

2. Define a Group of Employees

You need a tag that includes employees assigned to a specific reviewer. This can be an existing tag (e.g., “Role” or “Department”) or a new category:

  1. Go to Settings > Tag Categories.
  2. Enable new tag category and input a name (e.g., “Timesheet Reviewers”).
  3. Enable Includes Employees for this tag category.
  4. Enable Employee Can Have Multiple Tags if employees can have multiple reviewers (this is generally not recommended).
  5. Click Save and refresh the page.
  6. Expand Tags in the left-side menu and navigate to the Timesheet Reviewers category.
  7. Click + New Timesheet Reviewer and enter the name of the reviewer (e.g., “Grace Smith”).

3. Assign the Reviewer to a Group

  1. Open the Settings tab of the tag.
  2. In the Access section, add the reviewer (e.g., Grace Smith) with the Review Group Timesheets permission.
  3. Go to the Employees tab of this tag.
  4. Add all employees whose timesheets should be reviewed by this manager.

How to Review Timesheets

  1. Open Home from the left-side menu.
  2. Navigate to the My Approvals tab.
    • If you have the Review All Timesheets permission (e.g., as an Admin), you can also go to Organization > Time to see all timesheets.
  3. Use the date range picker to select a specific period or choose All Periods (a timesheet appears if its first day falls within the selected range).
  4. You will see a table with all timesheets for the selected period. The table can be sorted and filtered by any column.
  5. To review multiple timesheets:
    • Select checkboxes next to the timesheets you want to review.
    • Alternatively, click the three-dot menu in the top left of the table to use Select all rows or Unselect all rows.
  6. Click Review in the top-right corner.
  7. In the pop-up window:
    • Leave a comment if necessary.
    • Click Approve or Reject:
      • Reject: The timesheet requires changes.
      • Approve: The timesheet is correct and will be locked from further edits.
  8. To inspect an individual timesheet before approval:
    • Click on the timesheet date in the list.
    • Inside the timesheet, click Review in the top-right corner to approve or reject.

How to Edit an Approved Timesheet

Editing an approved timesheet is restricted. Only users with the Edit Approved Timesheets permission can make changes.

Steps to Modify an Approved Timesheet:

  1. The authorized user must reject the timesheet first.
  2. This will unlock the timesheet, allowing for modifications.
  3. Once changes are made, the employee must resubmit the timesheet for review.

By following this workflow, timesheet approvals ensure accuracy, compliance, and structured tracking of work hours.