Automatic Time Entry Generation

To further enhance efficiency, Metric AI supports automatic time entry generation based on planning allocations and holidays. Employees can review and adjust these suggested entries before submitting their timesheets, combining the power of automation with the flexibility of manual input.

How It Works

Metric AI generates time logs automatically from:

  • Planning Allocations
  • Holidays

If automatic tracking is enabled, time logs are generated daily (starting yesterday or today, depending on the selected Suggestions mode) for users who do not yet have time logs for that day.

Holiday-Based Time Logs

  • If an employee has a holiday in their calendar, a time log is created for that day.
  • The generated time log reflects the employee’s capacity for that day.

Planning Allocation-Based Time Logs

  • If an employee has hard allocations that generate planned hours, time logs will be created for the corresponding tasks and projects.
  • Note: Time entries will not be generated for tasks that are not trackable.

Suggested Time Entries

  • Auto-generated time logs appear as suggestions and are displayed in gray.
  • These are fully functional time entries and impact metrics such as logged hours.
  • Users can edit these suggestions or submit them as they are.

How to Enable Automatic Time Entry Generation

  1. Open Settings from the left-side menu.
  2. Navigate to the Time tab.
  3. Set Suggestions mode to Log time starting today or Log time starting yesterday.
  4. Enable Log time from hard allocations and/or Log time from Holidays.
  5. For Holidays, select the Project and Task for holiday logs.
  6. Save your settings.

Once enabled, time logs will be automatically generated based on your chosen configurations, helping streamline time tracking and ensuring accurate records with minimal manual effort.